Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) — Illustration Studies Building Renovation

Providence, RI

Type of project: Renovation
Duration of Project: 3 years
Square footage: 5,600 sf
Partners: Ed Wojcik Architect

Noteworthy: This project was completed in three phases, to allow RISD to appropriately fundraise and to allow the Illustrations Studies program to continue to operate fully within the building during the school year. Working with RISD, the team developed an elegant, cost-effective design solution that allowed for a total upgrade of the 19th century building while it remained fully occupied and functional during the academic year.

At the heart of the project is a 5,600 sf glass addition that envelops a stairway, elevator, and restrooms, making the building fully accessible for the first time in its history. The ISB renovation project respects the building’s historic integrity while providing RISD’s largest undergraduate department with a fully accessible, fully functioning facility that suits current and anticipated requirements for its rapidly evolving curriculum.